Olympics & Summer 2016 Wrap Up!
Behind the scenes view with Ariana Kukors on Rio coverage Day 1
I hope you were able to catch some of the swimming events at the Rio Olympics. It was a HUGE success for Team USA in the pool, and there were so many amazing moments we got to witness. The 2016 Olympics was the first time in 12 years that I got to enjoy watching the Games instead of competing.
In my first Olympics away from the pool, I joined USA Swimming as an online correspondent to recap (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISYaPww2NNs) each night’s events. It was a great opportunity to get to work with Tricia Vanderslice, Matt Farrell, and Ariana Kukors and something I'm looking forward to doing more of in the future!
USA Swimming coverage of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.
One of the most powerful moments for me was having the chance to interview Missy Franklin's parents, Dick and DA, to discuss her leadership and how she bounces back from adversity. You can find it in a special segment called Silver Linings with Kara Lynn Joyce (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9JY9qEKP0Q) .
I also kept busy leading up to the Olympics in June and July. Here are a few highlights:
Mt. Hood, OR 11 & Over Championships with fans
U.S. Diving Olympic Team Trials: I kicked off my summer in Indianapolis on the Road to Rio Tour presented by Liberty Mutual Insurance. It was so exciting to bring the spirit of the Olympics to Team USA fans at Diving Trials with fellow Olympians David Boudia (diving), Shawn Johnson East (gymnastics), and Mary Whipple (rowing).
U.S. Swimming Olympic Team Trials: From Indy I flew directly to US Swimming Trials in Omaha. I loved watching friends, former teammates, and plenty of new faces accomplish their goals and qualify for Team USA. I joined USA Swimming’s #DeckPassLive (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGvMXaU7pkk&index=98&list=PLJUznzZd1j8UrnTs2-HIBvQ1nPZuLgbYP) and #Lane9 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr48gc_rLG0) to provide on-deck broadcasting and interviews with coaches and swimmers (as seen in my previous blog :)
Appearance in the Pacific Northwest: I traveled to Portland, OR for the Oregon Swimming 11 & Over Champs. I loved meeting fans, talking about Touch the Wall (http://www.touchthewall.com) and sharing my medals and experiences with people.
Liberty Mutual Road to Rio Tour: I closed out July with another stop on the Team USA Road to Rio Tour in Portland, OR. It was nice to conclude my travels in the Pacific Northwest and get excited for the Rio Opening Ceremonies the following week.
Georgia Aquatics Hall of Fame Inductee Ceremony: On August 20, I was honored to be inducted into the Georgia Aquatics Hall of Fame in Atlanta, GA.
The Joyce Family at the Georgia Aquatics Hall of Fame dinner.
My teaser feature in The Players' Tribune: What the (Blank): http://www.theplayerstribune.com/kara-lynn-joyce-swimming-olympics-what-the-blank/
Sports Business Radio w/ Brian Berger: https://audioboom.com/boos/4915910-kara-lynn-joyce-olympic-swimmer-on-sports-business-radio?t=0
Road to Rio Tour by Liberty Mutual in Atlanta, GA – September 13-14
"Women's Leadership and Development" Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Starbucks Corporation in Seattle, WA – September 23
Corporate speaking with DaVita in Breckenridge, CO